I am Ozzy , I am Ozzy
God, send me to protect you from the UV.
I am delicate, I am soft,
I am above all the odds.
I am good I am well
But chloro-fluoro makes the hell.
So, my message from the Strato,
to the people on the Tropo.
Join hands to save me,
and say no, to my enemy.
(Ozzy is the name of molecule present in the ozone layer of the strato(sphere). It prevents
harmful Ultraviolet radiations from the sun to enter on the tropo(sphere) and thus protects
us from UVs damaging effects. Chlorofluorocarbons destroy the ozone layer, although
initiatives (Montreal protocol) were taken to abolish its use but still industrialization
contributes. So, Ozzy gives message to the people living on the troposphere to save it
from Chlorofluoro compounds.)
Sujata Sharma
M.Tech (Environmental Engineer)
MNIT, Jaipur